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Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed on Weekends


Youngstown, OH, Cleveland, OH & Pittsburgh, PA

What You Need to Know About the Gardner Denver R-Series

gardner denver's R-Series compressor

For years, Dearing Compressor & Pump has been a trusted distributor of Gardner Denver products. Our knowledge of their equipment, combined with their quality and expertise, has been a key component of that relationship. Over the years, Gardner Denver’s R-Series Compressors have become one of their best selling and most trusted products. Here is everything you need to know about Gardner Denver’s R-Series, the most dependable compressor available today.

Air Station and Low Pressure Options

Known for its cutting-edge technology, Gardner Denver has enhanced their equipment to provide the first reciprocating air compressor AirStation to the market. This means that select R-Series simplex packages will come with the option to have a Gardner Denver Refrigerated XGNC Series dryer mounted to the package. The AirStation offers numerous benefits, including a complete plug-and-play system, compact design, less plumbing, 3-way bypass valve, and X-Series GP filter.

Refrigerated Dryer

Gardner Denver’s Refrigerated XGNC Series Dryers make it simple to produce continuous dry air. This system is a corrosion-resistant heat exchanger, offering an enhanced control-system and high-efficiency moisture-separation to ensure a steady dry air supply. This will help reduce costs due to damaged products and replacement pieces. There is also a low pressure, 80 PSI option for those seeking a more climate controlled application.

Customization Options

Gardner Denver’s R-Series comes with multiple unit configurations, tank sizes, variations, and accessories, all designed to satisfy your needs. Accessory options include control panels, air-cooled aftercoolers, automatic tank drains, vibration isolators, low oil-stop controls, refrigerated air dryers, and compressor lubricants.



Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Weekends

24 Hour Call Center

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Youngstown, OH, Cleveland OH, & Pittsburgh, OH