Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed on Weekends


Youngstown, OH, Cleveland, OH & Pittsburgh, PA

Environmental Products

Environmental Products

Dearing Compressor & Pump is a leading provider of numerous products for the environmental market. With experience dating back to 1945, Dearing Compressor & Pump’s engineers can provide complete packages or individual components.

From packaged industrial waste water systems and ground water remediation systems, to individual components, call us to determine what we can do for you. Here is a sample of what we can provide:

Trailer-Based Remediation

Dearing’s environmental division packages a wide range of standard and custom engineered trailer-based remediation systems.

Our most common systems are for dual phase extraction (DPE) which combines the remediation technologies of soil vapor extraction and ground water pump and treat for the in-situ remediation of volatile organics from soil and ground water.

Also known as multi-phase extraction, the vacuum system removes soil vapors and liquid pumps remove contaminated ground water. Vapors and ground water are separately treated and safely discharged back into the environment.

Standard Systems

All Standard Systems include:

Custom Systems

Dearing’s engineering department can also design site specific equipment. Previous designs have included diesel engines and generators for emergency environmental response, pump and treat trailers, soil vapor extraction trailers, custom wheel technology for injecting oxygen and other gases into returning groundwater, and highly efficient and effective oil water separators that greatly exceed the specifications of standard off the shelf systems based on water resident time.

We have over 60 years experience in equipment packaging. Please give us a call, and let us specify a system for you.

Oil / Water Separators

OCX Oil Recovery System

Advance oil/water separation from Industrial Service Technologies, Inc.

The OCX™ system employs the patented Hi-Flow™ Media cartridge to continuously separate entrained and emulsified oils from water with demonstrated removal efficiencies up to 99.99%. A standard 7″ X 20″ cartridge has processed more than 3 million gallons of oily water at a continuous flow rate of 7.5 gallons per minute, before cartridge replacement.

Unequaled Performance!

This photo shows typical results using two standard cartridges in series, at a flow rate of 7.5 gpm. System configurations can be varied to achieve desired recovery/removal target.

Multiple cartridge vessels are available to accommodate customer needs for high flow rate systems. Units from 3 to 475 gpm are available.

General Specifications

OCX Vessels:

OCX Cartridge:

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At this time Dearing Compressor only ships within the United States

Quote Information

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Weekends

24 Hour Call Center

Toll Free


Youngstown, OH, Cleveland OH, & Pittsburgh, OH